WHAT: Metcon is short metabolic conditioning. The idea behind it is shorter, high intensity, often weight bearing workouts that increase metabolic demand and energy usage. This type of training is really great to get maximum results in minimum time. This sounds like a no brainer, but the cost is often maximum pain!
WHY: Basically, you get strong and fit quickly, burn big calories, and maintain lean muscle mass. It’s high intensity, it’s sweaty, it’s everything you love to hate or just hate to hate. But even if it’s not your jam I would really recommend incorporating some into your weekly training schedule to push your fitness and maximise results.
HOW: You can pick a long metcon as a full workout, or do a short one at the end of a weights session as a finisher - but try not to always pick the ones you like so you can challenge your weaknesses too. I will be adding to these regularly so hopefully you should have plenty of options to keep you motivated to move.
Select the workout to view more information including equipment, tips and easier options.
20 thrusters
20 sumo deadlift high pull
20 push jerk
20 overhead squats
20 front squats
Every minute on the minute complete 4 burpees
1 minute thrusters
1 minute power cleans
1 minute box jumps
1 minute press ups
1 minute max calorie bike
1 minute rest
x 3
8 x 8 x8
8 burpees
8 sit ups
8 devil press
8 calories
8 hang squat clean
8 push press
8 snatch
8 single arm overhead lunge
x 8 rounds
400m run
10 power cleans
10 burpees over bar
10 front squats
10 burpees over bar
10 push press
x 4
Calories + power cleans
Burpees + push press
30 box jumps
30 DB thrusters
x 5
50 dumbbell snatches
50 dumbbell overhead lunges
40 dumbbell overhead squats
40 dumbbell overhead lunges
30 dumbbell clean and jerk
30 dumbell overhead lunges
20 dumbbell hang squat clean
20 dumbbell overhead lunges
10 dumbbell squat snatch
10 dumbbell overhead lunges
6 strict shoulder press
8 single arm devil press (right arm)
10 sit ups
6 press ups
8 single arm devil press (left arm)
10 toes to dumbbell
x 5
Dumbbell hang squat clean
Dumbbell push press
Dumbbell thrusters
Burpees over dumbbells
200m run
10 dumbbell ground to overhead
200m run
10 dumbbell push press
200m run
10 dumbbell devil press
200m run
10 dumbbell push press
200m run
10 dumbbell ground to overhead
25 calories
50 front squats
50 sit ups
25 calories
50 bar facing burpees
50 push press
25 calories
50 thrusters
50 toes to barbell
25 calories
50 box jump
50 power clean
10 hang snatch right arm
10 thrusters right arm
10 push press right arm
10 hang snatch left arm
10 thrusters left arm
10 push press left arm
10 burpees
x 5
400m run
12 toes to dumbbells
12 double dumbbell snatch
12 double dumbbell thrusters
12 devil press
12 burpees over dumbell
x 5
50 cals
50 squats
40 cals
40 push press
30 cals
30 toes to barbell
20 cals
20 dumbbell snatches
10 cals
10 burpees
15 burpees
30 single arm hang snatch
30 overhead lunges
10 burpees
20 single arm hang snatch
20 overhead lunges
5 burpees
10 single arm hang snatch
10 overhead lunges
5 min work
3 min rest
x 3
20 toes to barbell
15 clean and press
10 burpees
Max cals in remaining time