10 cal bike
12 deadlifts
9 power cleans
6 push press
3 front squats
Kit needed:
Assault bike
This weight should be around 20 - 30kg. You should be able to cycle the reps but it shouldn’t be easy!
Work through each exercise in order and do four rounds with minimal rest time.
This is a workout for speed so go through it as quick as you can!
Push for a strong steady pace on the bike and try not to break up the barbell work too much. The deadlifts cycle into the power cleans which cycle into the push press which cycles into the front squat. Try to keep those transitions clean without breaking it up!
If you don’t have a bike you can substitute the bike cals for cals on any other CV kit or for burpees!
If necessary you can change the power cleans for a bent over row or a deadlift to high pull.
The font squat can also be a back squat if you aren’t comfortable with the front rack position.