First up!


Please do not do any of these programs if you are brand new to training. Lifting weights and moving safely requires education and experience. Never underestimate the value of mind-muscle awareness.

Before you start, make sure you know how to move well and you understand good technique as well as intensity and load management.

If you are new and need more help please don’t hesitate to get in touch, I offer one to one training and personalised programs too!


Elements of fitness


My workouts are split into 3 sections, so it’s easy to pick and choose training sessions to fit into your schedule.

Each of these elements are equally important and needs to be incorporated but how you divide up your schedule will depend on your goals.


Training frequency and intensity


Your training frequency and intensity will depend on multiple factors, but primarily it will hinge on your goals and your lifestyle.

For example, strength goals will require a higher frequency of weight training, where as weight loss goals will require more metcons. However, at no point should any element be eliminated- they are all of equal importance, it’s just a case of tipping the scales in your favour.


Rest and recovery


Rest days are equally as important as work days when it comes to training because your body and your muscles need time to repair and recover.

As well as resting, it’s important that you nourish your body properly and move regularly. Try to be active in your daily life outside of exercise and take ten minutes for yourself to stretch every day. It’s easy to put this advice aside, but your body is the greatest tool you will ever have and it deserves to be looked after