400m run

12 toes to dumbbells

12 double dumbbell snatch

12 double dumbbell thrusters

12 devil press

12 burpees over dumbell

x 5

Kit needed:

Treadmill / Skill mill / Track



This is long and relentless. Go for a weight that you can manage to double snatch and thruster - about 5 - 10kg.

Run 400m then work through the 5 exercises in order. Repeat five times.


There is no rest and no pull-backs in this so just keep going and focus on the exercise at hand. Use the run as an active recovery - breathing deeply and trying to steady your heart rate so you can push hard on the dumbbell work.


Toes to dumbbells can be leg raises

Snatch can be a push press

You can also do all the exercises with one instead of two dumbbells

You can also reduce the rounds to 3