8 x 8 x8

8 burpees

8 sit ups

8 devil press

8 calories

8 hang squat clean

8 push press

8 snatch

8 single arm overhead lunge

x 8

Kit needed:


Assualt bike / Rower / Ski Erg


Sit ups are body weight

Devil press is both dumbbells

Calories can be performed on any CV kit

Push press is both dumbbells

Snatch is single dumbbell alternating arms

Overhead lunges are single dumbbell

Perform 8 repetitions of each exercise, and repeat for 8 rounds.


8 is a lot of rounds and there’s 64 reps in each round so don’t underestimate the size of this one! Work hard and quickly through your strengths and pace yourself on your weaknesses. Rest as little as possible - try to keep moving!


Devil press can be weighted burpees (hold DBs the whole time, burpee and deadlift up to standing)

Hang squat cleans can be DB squats

Snatches can be single arm clean and press

Overhead lunges can be regular weighted lunges

You can always do less rounds if you need! Start with 4 and work up to being able to do 8!