Calories + power cleans
Burpees + push press
30 box jumps
30 DB thrusters
x 5
Kit needed:
Assault bike/rower/ski erg
Barbell weight should be around 20-30kg - you should not be able to d0 the large numbers unbroken and if you can you’ve gone too light! Dumbbell weight should be more on the light side - you should be able to get the thrusters out in 2-3 sets max.
Perform 21 calories on any piece of kit, then 21 power cleans
Then 18 calories and 18 power cleans
And so on and so forth until you get down to 3, then repeat with burpees and push press.
Rest for five minutes and then sprint through 30 box jumps and 30 thrusters five times as quick as possible.
Find a steady pace that you can manage and stick to it - this is a lot of reps and a lot of work so don’t start too strong or you’ll soon lose momentum. Male sure you work hard enough to earn that 5 minutes of rest and when you go into the box jumps and thrusters you want to push as hard as you can! Your legs should be demolished after this and if they’re not then you’ve gone easy on yourself!
You can scale the weight down if you need and you can use dumbbells instead of a barbell if you haven’t got one to hand.
Power cleans can be substituted for deadlifts, or a deadlift to high pull
Box jumps can be substituted for step ups
The final round can also be less reps, try 20 of each instead of 30!
The same goes for the reps - just bring the numbers down if you’re still building up your fitness! Set challenging but manageable targets that suit you!