WHY: Weight training is important for so many reasons including strength, muscle maintenance, injury prevention and weight loss.
HOW: There are endless ways to split your weight training but whatever way you split remember to always train all the muscles every week. Don’t exclude muscle groups because you don’t want to ‘get big’ and don’t focus on muscle groups because you think that they need extra work. All muscles were born equal and all muscles deserve love.
More information on ways you split your weight training and other variable factors is available in the Weight Training Guide.
Here are a couple of options of full body resistance sessions - they focus on compound movements for maximum bang for your buck. Big movements, using big muscles, to create a big demand on your body and bring about big results.
There are a lot of ways to split your training into two days so here are some basic plans for two of the most common and simple splits:
Upper / Lower
Legs & Push / Legs & Pull
There are also a lot of ways to split your weight training into three days. The most common, simple and effective method is this split of legs/push/pull.