2 mins jumping jacks / skipping
12 leg raises
12 plank thrusters
12 press ups
12 burpees
12 squat jumps
x 5
Do 2 minutes of steady state jumping jacks to skipping (if you have a rope) and then work through the five exercises, performing 12 reps of each.
Burpees are performed chest to floor!
Two minutes is longer than it sounds, but try settle into a steady rhythm that you can maintain for the full time. That doesn’t mean take it easy, it just means don’t kill yourself.
The transitions between exercises should be fluid so try not to rest in between exercises, only in between rounds.
The jumping jacks or skipping can be a gentle jog on the spot.
Leg raises can be single leg raises.
Burpees can be jumped or stepped back to plank without the chest to floor option.
Squat jumps can be regular squats