Buy in: 1km run

1 min high knee run
10 burpees
20 squats
x 5

1 min squat jumps
10 press ups
20 lunges
x 5

Buy out: 1km run


You need to complete a 1km to start the workout, and then another 1km run at the end.

In between the runs perform the two working blocks five times each, resting as little as possible.


Push your run to start so you get going on a good foot!

Max out every round of the working blocks and try to only rest in between rounds. It doesn’t look like a lot but you have ten big rounds of work so it’s going to get tough!

Try maintain a steady run for the whole of the buy out as well!


The high knee run can be a jog on the spot, jumping jacks or skipping if you have a rope.

Burpees can be jumped or stepped back to plank without the chest to floor option.